Mayday Minis
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Professional Miniature Painting



We offer a personal approach to your projects in order to meet your expectations.

  • Fast Communication

  • Flexible Pricing

  • Regular Updates

  • Prompt Response Times

Multiple Levels To Choose From! As you can see “Level 2” showcases edge highlights and crisper details while “Level 1” is still totally battle ready.

Multiple Levels To Choose From! As you can see “Level 2” showcases edge highlights and crisper details while “Level 1” is still totally battle ready.





  • Infantry: 14-33 dollars per model

  • (small troopers all the way up to bikers and terminators)

  •  Power armor is 15-20 dollars per model based on complexity in kit detail.

  •  Terminator armor is 18-22 dollars per model based on complexity in kit detail.

  •  Bikers are 32-37 dollars per model 

  •  HQ: 25-100 dollars per model

(Space Marine Captains to a Wolf Lord on Thunder Wolf mount)

Special characters with a higher level of detail and large unique models. Please inquire for specific quotes on these type of models. Generally, they are slightly more expensive than other units of their type.


  • Vehicles and Large Models: 30-100 dollars per model


Rhinos, Land Raiders, Razorbacks, and most standard vehicle are 65-85 dollars. Any additional work for customization, accessories (infantry models firing weapons, ornaments, Chapter icons, Forge World, etc.), or free hand painting will increase this price. Most Flyers start at 100.00 dollars and some even start at 200.00

  • Other types listed below:

  • Thunder Wolf Calvary are 40+ dollars

  • Standard Dreadnoughts are 65+

  • Standard Land Speeders and small skimmers are 65+

  • Monstrous creatures are 90+

  • Open drop pods are 90, otherwise 65

  • Defiler and Dreadknight kits are 100+

  • Wave Serpents and Falcons are 100+ with gem effects

  • Large skimmers are 100+

All prices include basic basing, price of paint, multiple sealer coats, and Free Return Shipping. Add 1 dollar per model for advanced basing. Price does not include assembling of miniatures. Preparation for painting and price of assembly is equal to 25-30 percent of final painting order. Additional conversion and sculpting work can be commissioned as well.

A non-refundable initial deposit of 20% is required to reserve your spot in our schedule. Payment in full must be received and confirmed before models will be return delivered.